Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm old enough to be his mother....

Last night on the train, newsboy saw some guy that is friends with his parents....

They started talking and I overheard the following:

--He went traveling in Europe this past summer because, and I quote, "It was my last summer"

--The summer before that he did an internship in New York.

Through my amazing powers of deduction, I have deduced that at the oldest (meaning he was just in graduate school), he would be at the oldest 26....he's just a BABY!!!!

I won't even date guys my age let alone younger than me!!! (Ok, well I won't be seeing anyone younger than me any was after all only that one time....) I guess this love affair is over before it's even begun...though I did see him again today and he did pretty blatantly look me up and down...

I guess it's pretty harmless to obsess and gives me something to do on the two hour train ride home!!


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