Sunday, April 16, 2006

Is it wrong?

Last October I lost my head. I was, I guess you could say dating, although it wasn't really dating because we were 750 miles apart, a 20 year old boy. Have I mentioned that I'll be 27 in a few months? He was really cute, and how shall I put it, talented in certain arenas (wink, wink, nod, nod, say no more, say no more).

Well he became a little obsessive and I just can't deal with that. So after a month and a half I had to end things.

Now, four months later, bored and in need of a little male attention, I emailed him. I was talking to my friend who I met him trough (she dates his best friend) and I inquired about how he's doing these days. She told me that he is seeing this 19 year old girl he met at school. And to boot, she's not even that cute (yes, I know that I'm being petty and immature, but I don't care). Keeping all of this in mind it made me want him to want me again. So I emailed him.

I just said hi, gave him a brief synopsis of my life and that was it. It was all of five lines. Ok, maybe more like 8. I don't know what this is meant to accomplish, I really don't but I did it anyway.

Recently, I met this 40 year old man not too long ago (I know, what's up with the two extreme ages; I usually won't entertain the idea of dating someone who is older than me in double digits let alone someone younger than me, but I digress). Long story short, he pissed me off and it was over before it ever really began. Well after not talking to him for two weeks I received a text from him today, something about chocolate bunnies in a basket (it is easter after all!). I texted back saying oh really? And he texted back saying yup, interested? Well, no, I'm not really interested, but going back to that needing male attention thing, I texted him back four hours later saying he called me...and he wants to come over...but I don't really want him to come over....but male attention...but I don't really like him, he's weird....but male attention....what's a girl to do?!


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Lillie said...

what's a girl to do? clearly: EAT NUTS!

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Texas Cinderella said...

or just get your swerve on!

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

So the 20 year old emailed me this morning and it was very non-chalant, I don't like his attitude! And I didn't have the 40 year old over. I told myself I would never just be with someone to be with someone and I'm not going to start now!!!

At 1:28 AM, Blogger Nadia said...

True,u must be with someone who will fulfill you.


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