Monday, December 18, 2006

This weekend...

I was supposed to pack...

I was supposed to do a quarterly report for work....

I was supposed to get a manicure/pedicure...

I was supposed to do Christmas shopping....

I was supposed to drive around San Francisco taking pictures to remember the city....

I'll give you two guesses which of these things happened....

If you guessed the manicure/pedicure, you guessed right....well ok, I attempted to go Christmas shopping as well but a heinous hang over forced me to go home and take a nap...

Saturday night my friends and I went out for my last crazy night in San Francisco...and I proceeded to get drunk. When I said drunk, I mean drunk in such a way where I don't remember leaving my purse at the bar, walking or how I managed to bring Martin (read: Mahtin) home with me....

Drinking an entire bottle of wine then going out to continue drinking MUST stop!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Craigs List

Recently, my roommates and I needed to find a new roommate to take the place of Carebear who was moving in with his girlfriend. Naturally, we placed a posting on Craig's List. We live in a good sized three bedroom apartment in one of the most beautiful and lively areas of the city so we knew that it wouldn't be hard to find someone. And it wasn't...

We immediately had 23 responses within two hours of the posting being up. A few sounded crazy, a few sounded ok, but immature, and there were about 8 that sounded great. We contacted them, let them know that we would have an open house and set up appointments for them to view the apartment.

We never specified if we preferred a male or female roommate so we had about equal candidates coming to view our home. Every single person that came to the apartment was great!! SL and I could see ourselves living with any one of them. However, we decided that we didn't want to live with another boy. Carebear was a very effeminate guy so he could deal with us. But, SL and I are pretty girly girls and we determined that these guys would eventually hate us and our female ways.

We finally chose a roommate and let all of the, for lack of a better word, losers know that we thought they were great, it's not going to work out, but if you're ever up for it we would love to hang out (there really were all great people who seemed like a lot of fun!).

I had known immediately when I met one of the candidates, Chicago, that I couldn't live with him--I was attracted to him...then he turned out to be freaking hilarious too!! So when I wrote that fateful email telling him he would not in fact be our roommate, I really meant it when I said "but we should hang out sometime!" Needless to say, he felt the same way and said we should hang out sooner rather than later.

About a week later he started emailing me. Long story short (I know, too late), we ended up hanging can use your imagination from here--just know I'm not 'that kind of girl'. Ok, sometimes I am, but that's not the point.

The point of all of this is.....if you are ever in need of a date, post a listing in craigs list looking for a roommate. You'll get a large pool of people to pick from. Even if you aren't really looking for a roommate they don't know that. So when you let them down gently, suggest that you should hang out sometime. You never know what it can lead to!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Is she really that dumb?

My roommate, St. Louis, and I have been living together for a year and three months. She already lived there when I moved, but we quickly became best friends (we can literally read each others minds, it's kind of freaky). From the time I moved in, there was a third roommate, Carebear, however soon after I moved in he found himself a girlfriend and pretty much lived with her. So for almost a year it was pretty much just SL and I living together. We liked it this way, we peacefully co-existed. Carebear decided that he and the girlfriend were going to move in together and we would need to find someone to take his place.

Finding someone to live with us was a fairly simple process. We live in a great apartment, in a great area of the city. In fact, we had too many fantastic options of who we could live with! Let me also say at this time, when I moved to San Francisco I moved into my apartment without ever meeting my roomates, we just talked on the phone...and miraculously it turned out fantastic. So we decided to go with Red, who we just talked to on the phone and saw pictures and would be moving here from Phoenix. The big selling point was that she was 28, the other candidates were all younger than her. (SL is 32 and I'm 27, but I might as well be 65 because I feel like an old fogey!).

Immediately, we started to see things that were interesting. She immediately clung to us for dear life and started expecting things from us like taking her to home depot to buy paint, having SL’s boyfriend help her move her furniture, going out with us….and let me tell you something…she’s one of those people that can’t make the best of being around people she doesn’t know, so when she goes out she looks like the ‘angry’ one of the group. Also, she’s very inexperienced with men. Not that I’m saying she needs to be a slut or anything, but she didn’t have sex till she was 24, then didn’t have sex again for 4 YEARS(!!) until this past summer when she started getting it on with a 23 year old. I’m all for getting it on with younger men (they are VERY eager to please), but from the ‘research’ that SL and I have done we believe he has a long distance girlfriend which should be fairly obvious to Red, but she doesn’t get it!! Also, she’s never had a long term boyfriend and quite frankly from talking to her, I’m not sure she would know what to do with one if she did! She's also very competitive with men. Not competetive for the same guys, but just for who is getting more attention. For example, one night we all went out and I had this fellow, Chicago (more about him later), meet us out. He brought a couple of friends and one of them took to Red and got her phone number. Well for the next week she constantly asked me if I had talked to Chicago because she talked to his friend. I don't think she ever cared if I had talked to my guy, she just wanted an opening to telling me about hers. This is how a question would be posed, "DidyoutalktoChicagotodayItalkedtoChicago'sfriendforanhourattheairport." Seriously, she didn't even pause to see if I had, she just wanted to tell me about his friend. Why can't she just come out and tell me that she talked to him? It's like she wanted to make sure that her guy was talking to her more than Chicago was talking to me. It's just all very immature...and of course, LAME!!

So a couple weeks ago, SL went to dinner with her boyfriend after work. At around 7:45 Red turns to me and says “when is SL going to be home?” First of all, who cares, second of all I tell her that’s SL is staying at her boyfriends after dinner and Red is surprised!! Why is this shocking? SL and her boyfriend have been together for 10 years for goodness sake!!

Then the other night, I’m in bed with my door shut watching tv. Red comes home from school at 10:15 and knocks on my door, I say yeah’, she says something stupid, I say something back, she says ‘are you awake?’ I can’t resist the snarky comment and say 'I’m speaking to you aren’t I?’ She say’s ‘when’s SL going to be home?’ (as I said before, who cares, oh I should also preface this with the night before SL was talking about going to play golf with her boyfriend and Red says ‘oh so we won’t see you Wednesday morning then huh?’ (who cares anyway, we’ll see her when we see her) and I made some snarky remark about spending all that time together and then SL—in a completely joking tone mind you—says ‘well maybe I won’t, maybe we’ll get sick of each other after golf and I’ll want to come home’ and starts laughing—this comment was very obviously, to a normal person, a joke and she wasn’t seriously going to come home) so I say ‘she’s not coming home’…and again, in a surprised tone she says ‘oh I thought she was coming home’, I say ‘why do you sound so surprised?’ She says ‘well she said she was coming home’—ok first of all, even if she was serious about coming home, it’s a girls prerogative to change her mind! And second, are you dumb, how did you not pick up on the fact that she was JOKING?!! So I said, ‘she was very obviously being facetious’…and this is my favorite part…..Red says, ‘well I’m home!’ No shit Sherlock! I thought we were speaking telepathically, if you hadn’t told me you were home I never would have known that you were on the other side of the door! Because oh, did I mention, this ENTIRE conversation took place through my door! She never came into my room!

Maybe it’s me, maybe I’m the weird one…but something about this girl just isn’t quite right! Like last night when I was going for a drink wwith SL when she got home, I told Red that she was invited and she said she didn’t want to because she was in her pajamas, but since I’m still dressed I can still go….thank you so much for giving me permission to go get a drink that I was only inviting you to go to because it would be rude not to!! Thank you very much!

**Sorry about the ranting, but I just can’t stand her idiocy! I guess that is one good thing about moving in 14 days!!

Moving Sucks!! Pt. 2

5. Working out of my bosses house...where it will be just the two of us...all day....every day....and she won't let me put up a bulletin board because she doesn't "want that in my house".
6. Trying to decide to live in NYC or Hoboken...can't decide if San Francisco has made me more 'suburban' and if I would prefer a more 'quiet' existence.
7. Finding a new place to New York City!! Did I mention that before? Because it REALLY sucks!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Moving sucks!

Moving sucks for the following reasons:

1. Boxes....boxes...and more boxes....
2. Painting. Apparently, it is not acceptable to leave purple walls in an apartment, I can't imagine why!
3. Finding a new place to New York City!! Rent in San Francisco in New York City sucks more!!
4. Saying goodbye to my best friend. We can't even talk about it...we are in denial that I'm leaving and thus causing both of us to become alcoholics.
5. Because inevitably you meet someone who is a good person (and hot) right before moving.

I'm sure there are more reasons, but those are all I've got right I said I'm in denial that I'm going back and can't think at the moment....I need a drink...