Let the countdown begin!!
Only 6 more days until I go to London for work....and get to see Texas Cinderella!!!! All on the company $$!!!!WOOHOO!!!!!
I need new friends...
All of my friends from home are Lame (yes, with a capital L)....
--So I've tried to enlist my friend OB to help me with the Andy Plan (I'll explain later)...but instead she chooses to ignore my requests. Damn married people, they just don't get it anymore! Don't they remember what it was like to be single?
--My friend Cola told me she thought of the perfect person to set me up with! Yay!! NOOOOO....this is how she told me (these are direct quotes--I am in NO way exagerrating):
(Driving in the car with her and her husband--of course SHE's married, who isn't these days?)
Cola: Hey, we thought of the perfect person to set you up with!!
Me: Great, who?!
Cola: His name is Jimmy, he lives in Brooklyn
Me: Ok, tell me more
Cola: Ok, he's not good looking BUT he makes A LOT of money, I mean A LOT, he's a lawyer!
Me: Great! Sign me up!!
Yeah, not so much!
Me: Cola, you know I don't care about stuff like how much he makes...I care about more important things like how tall is he?
Cola: Cola Husband, how tall would you say he is?
CH: Well he was in our wedding party (so was I--at this point I'm thinking it could be the guy I had to walk in with, not great, kind of dork (not in the good way), but he was really tall...at this point I'm not ready to run to Brooklyn, but hey, I'll give anything a chance!)
Cola: Oh yeah, that's right, you remember Jimmy don't you?
Me: Not really...
CH: He was the shortest one in the wedding party...
Me: Peace out!
Seriously...Cola should know better then to try to set me up with an ugly midget! (Not that there's anythng wrong with ugly midgets, but I'm 5'10", I NEED a TALL ugly guy! And I'm allowed to say that...I ddated a guy who was 5'7" for three years--I WANT TO WEAR HEELS!!). Also, I wasn't sure if I should be insulted that Cola thought I would be interested merely because he makes A LOT of money....I think she was just trying to soften the blow of him being the hunchback of Notre Dame (not that there's anything wrong with the hunchback of Notre Dame).
--My brother is quite a good looking fellow...as are all of his friends...so the other night at dinner I asked him if he had any single friends that he could set me up with. His only reply, "Unfortunately, for YOU, all of my friends are taken!" I find that hard to beleive, but how much can I really push without letting him know I've become a desparate spinster?!
I need new friends that have single TALL friends (and preferrably (does that word have two r's?) good looking and a little dorky...my new theory on life is that I have to be better looking than the guy and he has to be smarter than me...think about it...it's good stuff).